Saturday, May 12, 2012

39 Weeks!

Update: So I went to the doctor on Wednesday and was hooked up to a machine that monitored his heart rate and such for a while. Dr Patel and I talked a little and he said that he wanted to avoid inducing as much as possible, especially since I don't want any pain meds and induction is more painful, and said that if he hasn't come by my due date though that I will FOR SURE be induced on the 17th. He said that the placenta just is getting old and not doing it's job as well so Jude shouldn't stay in there past my due date. He checked to see if I was dilated... and I wasn't! That was depressing. So now I'm just a sitting duck, waiting for this baby to hopefully decide he wants out before the 17th. I have another appointment on Monday so maybe I will be dilated a little more then. I was hoping to have him in time for Mother's Day but it isn't looking like he is coming anytime soon so I doubt that will happen. I asked him if there was anything that I could do to make Jude come out sooner and his was response was this - "The truth is, castor oil just makes you poop. Sex is man's answer for everything but it just doesn't work, and walking only helps once you are already having contractions." So the answer was no. He said I was doing everything I was supposed to and that Jude is just being stubborn. So on the downside, the odds of me being induced are high (and that scares me!) but on the plus side, I will have my baby boy next week for sure!

How far along? 39 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 30 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep! Not much longer hopefully!
Stretch marks? still none on my stomach
Sleep: Lately I've had a hard time getting to sleep. I'll stay up long past Ben who is snoring next to me and play either solitaire or cubes on my phone until the wee hours of the morning. When I do finally sleep, I'm waking up constantly to pee and then Ben wakes me up again when he leaves for work. Then I end up sleeping until noon or one sometimes. It's very weird but I guess I should try and sleep as much as I can until next Thursday.
Best moment this week: Knowing there is an end point to waiting and getting the house pretty clean! 
Miss Anything? going out with my friends (actually, having friends! ha), being able to walk easily, not having heartburn allllll the time, not being hungry all the time, not breaking out so much and being able to fit into most of my wardrobe!
Movement: I've read that by this point, his movements should be much smaller but I guess since he is so small himself, that isn't true for Jude. He likes to flip and kick me all the time and he gets the hiccups ALL the time now.
Food cravings: Chocolate pop-tarts and marshmallows! Mmmm!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Spicy foods, Mexican, a lot of meat. Pizza sauce gives me heartburn.
Gender: He is still a boy and was at our last ultrasound too.
Symptoms: Heartburn like WHOA, pulled groin muscle (ouch!), hungry all the time, moody, nesting, OCD, some contractions at the beginning of the week (none since), my hair has become more and more greasy which is weird... I used to wash it every other day because it's so thick and now I have to wash every day otherwise it looks gross and breaking out
Labor Signs: had some contractions Sunday and Monday after walking Corona but nothing became of them unfortunately. 
What I'm most scared about for labor: So many things! I'm scared I'll be induced, have to have a C section, that with either of those I'll have to have an epidural since the pain will be worse than regular childbirth, getting an episiotomy, etc
Belly Button in or out? in but weird looking 
Happy or Moody most of the time: moody but I'm sure if I go into labor on my own I'll be in pain but happy!
What I'm going to miss most about being pregnant: Feeling Jude moving on the inside! Also being able to protect him more easily.
Looking forward to: Meeting Jude in less than a week!!!

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